Autumn Auspices
I haven’t posted in five weeks, I know!! My six classes, two clubs, and writing associate job got the better of me this month. Since my life has mostly been consumed with work and not any glamorous tours of Europe lately, I’ll give you some recs of stuff I’ve been reading/watching in the last month:
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
War on Peace by Ronan Farrow
TV Shows:
Maniac, Netflix
New Girl, Netflix/Hulu
The Man in the High Castle, Season 3, Amazon
The Hate U Give
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Pod Save America
Honey, Robyn (song)
Aloha Ke Akua, Nahko and Medicine for the People (song)
Tender Offerings, First Aid Kit (EP)
Masks, The Brook & The Bluff (song)
Besides being consumed by work and listening to podcasts in the interim, I’ve been going to football games, familiarizing myself with Columbus’s brewery scene (wayyyyy more than Cincinnati, so this’ll take me a while), and going out with my roommates. Here’s the highlight reel:

After this week, my workload should (hopefully) get lighter and I can write something more substantial. Just trying to make it to Thanksgiving!!