Hey, I don’t know about you…but I’m (not quite) feeling 22!
22 feels old to me, which is laughable, I know, but I’m still very much as unadult-like as I was years ago. I did, however, manage to drive around yesterday and blast Taylor Swift’s “22” to make me feel more twenty-two-ish. I thought about how the last birthday-themed Taylor Swift song I listened to was the night of sophomore year homecoming on September 15, 2012. I was getting ready for the dance in my bathroom and realized it was the last night I could listen to “Fifteen” as a 15-year-old. That was SIX YEARS AGO. That time definitely feels far away.
Also, looking back at the big 21 blog post from last year, I realized that I have only accomplished maybe half of the things I said I’d do this year. But how can I be mad at myself for that when I’ve had the absolute BEST year? I’ve visited 12 countries, read two dozen books, met new friends, gone on a few dates, traveled alone, visited people around the world, etc… but some of the best moments have been the in-betweens. The non-flashy days, the ones not posted about, the day-to-day moments of studying or having conversations or loving people. I’ve been trying to remember those moments just as much as the highlight reel.
With 22 will come new changes as I graduate and move on to other things. Maybe the difference this year, the aspect that sets this year apart from all the other years, is that I fear the future less and look forward to the uncertainty. That feels pretty 22 to me.