Southern Adventures in Savannah
Greetings from Savannah, Georgia! I’m sitting in the Savannah airport terminal right now, about to head home to (chilly) Columbus. This weekend, I visited my best friend Rebecca. She studies mechanical engineering at UC, but is currently co-oping at Gulfstream Aerospace in Savannah. I left partly-snowy Columbus to glorious sandy beaches and palm trees. Rebecca says she’s sick of the constant summer season, but I was reveling in it.
I got to meet all of Rebecca’s awesome friends, go to a random (free!) Fitz & the Tantrums (!!!) concert, walk along the beach on Tybee Island, and stroll the cobblestone streets of Historic Savannah. I was pretty much geeking out at all the historical architecture and giant, Spanish moss-covered trees, by the way. This may be a strange detail about my life, but I’m kind of obsessed with settings. Maybe that’s why I like to travel so much. Being engulfed in a breathtaking, historic place is when I’m happiest. A side effect of being way too introverted, I guess. Anyway, I’ll definitely be back again to Savannah someday!
So I flew into Savannah on Friday evening, and Rebecca drove me around part of Gulfstream’s massive campus–with another short tour on Saturday, complete with pointing out the many different types of private jets on their tarmacs–then we hung out with her friends at their apartments afterward.
On Saturday morning, we drove into Savannah, because Fitz & the Tantrums were performing a free concert at Forsyth Park after Savannah’s marathon. They were incredible!! Afterwards, Rebecca, a couple of her friends, and I walked around Savannah’s absolutely beautiful streets, squares, and to a hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop called Zunzi’s — amazing sandwiches, by the way.

Sunday was a more relaxed day, and Rebecca and I drove down to Tybee Island to the beach. I don’t think I’ve been to a beach on a random fall weekend during the school year before, but let me tell you, I highly recommend. Nothing like sand between your toes and salty air to cure sickness from midterms and the Midwestern chill. We walked down the beach for a while, then ate shrimp and scallops at a colorful seafood shack called AJ’s.

Overall, it’s been a really fun weekend. I got to see my best friend, meet her friends, and experience 84 degree, sunny weather in one of the most historic cities in America.
Now back to the grind!