Happenings in My Life

The Semester is OVER, People!


I finished up my exams on Tuesday with exhaustion and a need to sleep for the rest of the week. Except I came home and immediately started refurbishing an old dresser my grandma found on the side of a road and making a dress for my sister. Pictures of the dress are to come when I finish it, but here’s a couple of the dresser:

It was a really good last few weeks of school. My seven roommates and I made each other “paper plate awards” of “best”s and “most likely”s, which is so cheesy but we loved it. Three of the eight aren’t living with us next year, so it was kind of a farewell-for-now thing. I’m so glad to be back home but I miss all of my roommates already!

This week I’ve mostly been working my summer job again at Alterations by Frances. I’ve worked for two days and I’ve already made a full t-shirt quilt, several pillows, hemmed seven curtains, and unsuccessfully fought with an industrial sewing machine that hates me. I’m glad to be back with the “little old ladies” and spend my days having discussions about life, crazy customers, and politics (gotta love leaving one liberal bubble for another equally conservative one) and watching daytime soap operas. Shoutout to Frances for the opportunity to keep coming back to such an awesome job.

Besides the usual alterations work, I’m interning with the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center this summer. Some of you might remember me mentioning that I actually had an editorial internship with Cincinnati Magazine, but unfortunately an issue on their side surfaced this week where they over-hired. After many tears over the last few days, I’m ready to move on and be excited for this new opportunity.

It was a major coincidence that the Freedom Center contacted me about an internship the same day Cincinnati Magazine made a huge mistake to let me go, especially so late in the game when most organizations have already hired. Although this internship doesn’t really have anything to do with my English major like the previous one did, I’m also a Nonprofit Management minor and am looking forward to learning first-hand how a nonprofit organization operates. I’ll be working specifically with their Modern Slavery Initiatives, so hopefully that will be extremely fulfilling since I’m passionate about ending that injustice. Stop by and see me sometime over the next few months!

My boyfriend, Max, comes home from California in like two-ish weeks! I usually avoid talking about him on stuff like this since he might get embarrassed, but he sometimes forgets to read my posts anyway so he may not even notice! Anyway, we’ll no longer be long-distance for a few fleeting months this summer, which means there are many zoo trips and backyard watercoloring sessions in store.

Even though I was upset a few days ago about the first internship not working out, I am really looking forward to a summer full of sewing, museum work, dates, family, and road trips. This summer’s posts may be riddled with a few pessimistic political critiques (since how can I just avoid talking about these things, especially this week), but for now, I’m being positive and hoping the (actual) sun will come out soon. Because, uh, this storm nonsense has not been summer weather.

Let me know if you’ve read anything good lately, too. I need some recommendations! 
